Kevin McCarthy, Ron DeSantis, Steny Hoyer, et al do Israel’s bidding, cancel First Amendment, criminalize Americans, enable genocide against Palestinian Christians and Muslims, etc…
Search Results for: iran
Top Pentagon Officer Said Politicians Get ‘Very Rich’ by Supporting Israel
Senior U.S. Defense official Douglas Macgregor said politicians who support Israel are driven by money, said Israel lobby is trying to drag America into war… ‘John Bolton has become very, very rich and is in the position he’s in because of his unconditional support for the Israeli lobby. He is their man on the ground.’
Netanyahu’s covert operation to manipulate 2016 US election
US government & media covered up an elaborate covert operation directed by Netanyahu that aimed to use secret intelligence to clandestinely intervene at the highest levels in the presidential election on behalf of Trump
Greenwald: The Unholy Alliance of Neocons & Democrats
Greenwald’s exposé on neocons, war, Ukraine, Zelensky, liberal media, Democratic party… Stephens, Frum, Boot, Kagan, Nuland, Kristol, Dick & Liz Cheney… Neocons are notorious for their love of sending other people’s families to war…
By caving to Israel, Biden opens the door to war
The US previously sought to prevent Israel from bombing Iran since that risked the U.S getting sucked into a war with Iran, which would be disastrous for the region, for the United States, and for the Iranian people…
‘Powerful Lobbyist Behind Kevin McCarthy’ is Israel Advocate
The ‘most powerful unelected man in DC’ is part of the most pervasive and influential lobby on behalf of a foreign country in the United States…
Hundreds of news reports on ‘Russian interference’ based on hoax
A think-tank that spawned hundreds of fraudulent headlines & TV news segments about supposed Russian influence may go down as the single greatest case of media fabulism in American history. Virtually every major news organization in America is implicated…
Latest meeting of America’s most powerful pro-Israel lobby
The content of AIPAC’s recent Political Leadership Forum was largely concealed from the public, but here is what we do know about it.
As usual, defense bill gives millions of dollars to Israel, but no one tells Americans
Israeli media report that the 2023 defense spending bill just signed into law contains over $500 million for Israel (just the tip of the iceberg of spending for Israel)… AIPAC commended Congress…
Ilan Pappé on Israel’s Relentless War against Palestinian Children
Palestinian children are dying at a startling rate – and it’s totally preventable. Israel must simply stop killing them.