Search Results for: iran

Israelis who aided Harvey Weinstein collected info on Obama’s former administration

The New Yorker reports that an Israeli firm ran a covert campaign to discredit Obama officials who’d backed the 2015 Iran nuclear deal. Former Obama staff were contacted by undercover agents for Black Cube – the firm that Harvey Weinstein hired, & that offers access to assistance from “Israel’s élite military and governmental intelligence units.”

Oil for Israel: The Truth about the Iraq War, 15 Years Later

Oil Insider Gary Vogler writes of the Iraq War: The oil agenda I discovered and experienced was to supply Iraq oil to Israel. The players were oil mogul & commodities manipulator Marc Rich, pardoned by Clinton; the neocons in the Bush Administration, Feith, Zell, Wolfowitz, Libby, and other Israel partisans – contains video of Vogler

The Israel lobby: A List

The Israel lobby is one of the most powerful and pervasive special interest groups in the U.S. It consists of a multitude of institutions and individuals that work to influence Congress, the president, academia, the media, religious institutions, and American public opinion on behalf of Israel. View the list…

Billionaire Sheldon Adelson is a major donor to political candidates in the U.S. Would-be presidents curry his favor in the hope of receiving the millions of dollars he contributes to campaigns. As a result, he is highly influential in their policies regarding Israel. The Adelsons spent over $80 million on Republicans in 2016 and over $100 million in 2012 on Republican candidates and causes – the biggest donors in the presidential race.

Amira Hass: As if Israel Did Nothing Shameful Before the Advent of Smartphones

Amira Hass writes in Ha’aretz that Israeli soldiers who kill unarmed Palestinians didn’t pop up for the 1st time three weeks ago. Nor did the army’s excuses start only then. Gross violation of human rights (and Israeli denial) are as old as the state itself – even older. The actions excuses continue unabated in spite of smartphones and security cameras.

The Forced Displacement of Palestinians Never Truly Ended: A Revealing Family Story

As Israel celebrates its 70th anniversary, a child and grandchild of exiled Palestinian refugees describes his remarkable family history – family members harbored Jewish neighbors in 1929, helped Count Folke Bernadotte, after Israel confiscated the family home, Golda Meir lived there… and discusses the continuing injustices endured as Palestinians resist Israel’s violent colonization.

Leahy Law would cut aid to Israel, but no one wants to enforce it

Killing of Palestinians is not new. It has been going on for decades, unabated, uncriticized, and bankrolled by the US. The Leahy Laws enable us to withhold aid to countries that commit human such rights abuses, but in spite of overwhelming proof of abuse by Israel, our politicians refuse to cut off military support.