The SPLC has reaped a bonanza in donations following Charlottesville, despite the SPLC’s gargantuan budget, questionable financial practices, & sometimes pro-Israel stance. The Washington Free Beacon, CounterPunch, and Mondoweiss reveal little-known information…
Search Results for: Return March
Which will it be: Unequivocal support for Israel or our First Amendment rights?
Justine McCabe writes: “An alarming paradox has taken shape in legislation before Congress: Our representatives would violate Americans’ First Amendment rights in order to protect the State of Israel. This draconian legislation is H.R. 1697/S. 720, the ‘Israel Anti-Boycott Act,’ is a proposed law that could harshly penalize the free speech of Americans…
Israeli kingpins behind ‘monstrous’ international financial scam ‘binary options’
The Times of Israel and others report on the fraudulent binary options industry that generates $5 to $10 billion a year and largely emanates from Israel. For 10 years it scammed hundreds of thousands of victims worldwide out of billions of dollars with little or no intervention from Israeli law enforcement. Israel’s current bill would allow binary options pushers to re-brand their product and continue to defraud customers abroad with impunity. An analyst writes: ‘Israel is so corrupt that these borderline criminals run the country.’
Chas Freeman’s statement on the power and tactics of the Israel lobby’s ‘unscrupulous people’
Chas Freeman’s 2009 statement is as relevant as it was when he made it: “The tactics of the Israel Lobby plumb the depths of dishonor and indecency and include character assassination, selective misquotation, the willful distortion of the record, the fabrication of falsehoods, and an utter disregard for the truth…”
Diverse groups push for ‘Anti-Semitism Envoy’ who monitors criticism of Israel
A former Antisemitism Envoy adopted a new, Israel-centric definition for antisemitism, and then used it to train U.S. diplomats. The envoy position has proved a revolving door to Israel lobbying organizations (see video). Now groups from the ADL to the Southern Poverty Law Center are disturbed that Trump isn’t filling the position.
Ha’aretz: U.S. Rabbis Get Close-up Look at Occupation in the West Bank – Not a Pretty Sight
A dozen American rabbis visit Hebron and see for themselves the result of a settlement inside a Palestinian town. They find the experience “eye-opening and heart-wrenching.” Their trip coincides with one of the worst crises ever in relations between Israel and the U.S. Jewish community.
Old Palestinian photos & films hidden in IDF archive show different history than Israeli claims
An Israeli art historian discovered “war booty films” hidden by the IDF for decades. After a protracted legal struggle, she’s made a documentary that depicts a very different history than Israel claims, and shows the work of Palestinian filmmakers forgotten by history…
Giraldi: How Israel drives US policies exploiting a spineless Congress and White House
The Israel Lobby, especially AIPAC, is undeniably a foreign lobby, but it operates with complete impunity on Capitol Hill and also at state and local levels. Coincidentally, Congress has a peculiar pattern of brazen, bipartisan pro-Israel legislation and looking the other way on issues in which Israel may be culpable (e.g. USS Liberty). To put it succinctly, there is an Israeli hand in much of what the United States does internationally, and the involvement is not intended to do anything good for the American people.
Electronic Intifada: Israeli soldiers harass students during SJP event on US campus
UC Irvine’s Students for Justice in Palestine group were harassed and intimidated during their anti-Zionism week events by Israel supporters. The campus has been a focal point for Israel advocacy groups seeking to conflate Palestinian rights with anti-Semitism.
Naval Institute on the USS Liberty: The Spy Ship Left Out in the Cold
Declassified documents and interviews that U.S. leaders, anxious to protect Israel from bad PR, contemplated sinking the ship at sea to prevent reporters from photographing the damage. Israeli diplomats manipulated the media to downplay or kill stories about the attack and even silenced an angry President Lyndon Johnson by threatening to publicly accuse him of “blood libel” or anti-Semitism.