Donate to If Americans Knew

Thank you for your generous donation to If Americans Knew! Your contribution allows us to continue shining a light on the Israel/Palestine situation and the U.S. foreign policies that enable it.

To donate specifically to our Emergency Gaza Outreach campaign, please go here.

Donate online. Choose a one-time or recurring donation and enter your payment information in the form. Your transaction is 100% secure and tax deductible*.

Mail a check payable to “If Americans Knew” to:

If Americans Knew
2400 McCullough Avenue, #15212
San Antonio, TX 78212

Donate Cryptocurrency

Select the currency you would like to donate and enter the amount at the bottom of the form.

Please note, you can specify the amount in crypto or USD.


You can go to the main If Americans Knew site to donate additional ways:

  1. Become a Patron
  2. Remember us in your Will
  3. Donate Stocks, Bonds, or Mutual Funds

For additional ways to donate, please see

For more information, send an email to [email protected].

*If Americans Knew, a 501(c)3 tax-exempt organization (Tax ID: 26-0224844), depends on donations to fill the critical need of informing Americans on Israel/Palestine. It will take all of us contributing in any way we can to overcome the information blockade on this subject.