Search Results for: settlers

Israel’s latest targets include children, hospital patients, journalists – Day 384

Israeli forces storm northern Gaza hospital, assassinate Lebanese journalists; Israeli legislature poised to ban primary humanitarian aid org in Gaza; some US voices try to erase Palestine from discourse; more.

The Religious Extremism That Motivates Israeli Settler Expansion in the West Bank

Few people are aware of the religious intolerance that motivates the ultra-Orthodox Jewish settlers on the West Bank. Consider the statement of one of their heroes, the former Sephardic Chief Rabbi of Israel: “The only reason for the existence of non-Jews is to serve Jews.”

In one year, Israel blocked over 250,000 aid trucks from entering Gaza – Day 381

Death toll keeps climbing in northern Gaza as hospitals run out of supplies; Palestine’s future looks bleak; Israel has blocked 250K aid trucks; Israel targets peacekeepers in Lebanon, where children are at high risk for disease; Israel kills a child in West Bank; more.

Israel has declared war on peacekeeping; Washington joins Israel in war on truth – Day 370

Israel is a threat to critically ill children in Gaza, to Palestinian and American journalists, to peacekeepers, to truth itself, and to human rights worldwide

New Israeli atrocities coming to light – Day 368

Bloodbath in northern Gaza; US former gov’t official wants peacekeepers to be “carpetbombed”; American doctors describe treating children shot in the head when they volunteered in Gaza; new investigation, “The Killings They Tweeted”; Netanyahu blames Lebanese civilians for their own upcoming suffering; Israeli violence in the West Bank; more.