Menendez is perhaps the Democrats’ most stalwart supporter of Israel, enjoying a decades-long relationship with AIPAC & the pro-Israel lobby. This positioning, combined with his chairmanship of a crucial committee, have led him to be among the most influential senators concerning Israel policy
Search Results for: iran
National Review article misinforms readers on Israel
A detailed annotation of the errors and omissions that mislead readers on a profoundly important issue…including little-known information about Presidents Eisenhower, Reagan, and Bush Sr., who each had moments of clarity on this issue, and called out Israel for its abuses.
Radio ads about USS Liberty air on Bongino & on top Philly show
In a major breakthrough, a radio host is voicing an ad urging listeners to visit a website about the USS Liberty. Previous host-read ads were censored by four other “patriotic” stations that had originally said they would run them… listen to the ads…
Bob Scarborough, USS Liberty hero, RIP
Scarborough, a survivor of Israel’s 1967 attempt to sink his ship, passed away on July 3. The attack killed 34 of his shipmates and injured 174. In this video he described his firsthand experiences of the attack and the subsequent coverup…
Is the United States Moving Its Capital to Jerusalem?
Kevin McCarthy, Ron DeSantis, Steny Hoyer, et al do Israel’s bidding, cancel First Amendment, criminalize Americans, enable genocide against Palestinian Christians and Muslims, etc…
Top Pentagon Officer Said Politicians Get ‘Very Rich’ by Supporting Israel
Senior U.S. Defense official Douglas Macgregor said politicians who support Israel are driven by money, said Israel lobby is trying to drag America into war… ‘John Bolton has become very, very rich and is in the position he’s in because of his unconditional support for the Israeli lobby. He is their man on the ground.’
Netanyahu’s covert operation to manipulate 2016 US election
US government & media covered up an elaborate covert operation directed by Netanyahu that aimed to use secret intelligence to clandestinely intervene at the highest levels in the presidential election on behalf of Trump
Greenwald: The Unholy Alliance of Neocons & Democrats
Greenwald’s exposé on neocons, war, Ukraine, Zelensky, liberal media, Democratic party… Stephens, Frum, Boot, Kagan, Nuland, Kristol, Dick & Liz Cheney… Neocons are notorious for their love of sending other people’s families to war…
By caving to Israel, Biden opens the door to war
The US previously sought to prevent Israel from bombing Iran since that risked the U.S getting sucked into a war with Iran, which would be disastrous for the region, for the United States, and for the Iranian people…
‘Powerful Lobbyist Behind Kevin McCarthy’ is Israel Advocate
The ‘most powerful unelected man in DC’ is part of the most pervasive and influential lobby on behalf of a foreign country in the United States…