Speaking before an adoring AIPAC audience, US Ambassador to the UN Haley says she pressured the UN head not to appoint Palestinian diplomat Salam Fayyad as a UN envoy, and to take down a report documenting Israeli apartheid. Observers say Haley may be angling to be the first woman president…
Search Results for: aipac
Chas Freeman on “Greater Israel” and the prospects for peace in the Middle East
Israel’s foreign supporters have every reason to ask that it govern all people in its charge with the justice and humanity that constitute the core values of both Judaism and Western civilization.
Falk & Tilley: Open Letter to UN Ambassador Nikki Haley on Our Report on Apartheid in Israel
Falk and Tilley write in The Nation that Haley maligned the messengers instead of providing any information on alleged flaws in the report. “Ad hominem attacks are usually the tactics of those so seized with political fervor as to abhor rational discussion”… Also excerpts from Haley’s AIPAC speech…
Robert Parry: Why Not a Probe of ‘Israel-gate’?
Consortium News: As Official Washington fumes about Russia-gate, Israel’s far more significant political-influence-and-propaganda campaigns are ignored… The October Surprise… In some European circles, the neocons are described as “Israel’s American agents”…
CounterPunch: An Accelerating Palestine Rights Movement Faces Uncertain Direction
Analyst Jack Dresser discusses the Israel connection to Mideast wars, the injustice of a “two-state solution,” Israel’s loss of full control, the role of Jewish organizations in the Palestine rights movement, JVP President Vilkomerson’s husband’s employment at Israeli security company Check Point, and to what degree such groups will embrace a “transformative vision”…
The True Cost of Israel: U.S. support goes far beyond the official numbers
Philip Giraldi in CNI: In 1992, the AIPAC President bragged how he “got almost a billion dollars in other goodies [for Israel] that people don’t even know about.” In 2012, Israel’s former commander-in-chief said that between 2009 and 2012 American taxpayers had paid for more of his country’s defense budget than had Israeli taxpayers. Other special interest groups have managed to skew foreign policy, but no lobby has managed to divert it as far from the national interest…
Palestinian-American professor brutally attacked by Jewish Defense League members in D.C. [VIDEO]
The attackers were not charged with hate crimes. The JDL has a history of plotting and executing acts of violence against Arabs and has been classified by the FBI as a “right-wing terrorist group.”
Trump’s “America First” budget would slash State Dept budget, Israel only country to escape cuts
Israel to continue getting more aid than any other nation. Most of the cuts are unlikely to be sustained since the Israel lobby opposes them. Pro-Israel groups, which support US interventionism in the Middle East, call for continued funding to international programs…
Cheerleading for Israel: Everyone’s doing it
Philip Giraldi: The neoconservatives, Israel-firsters, hate Trump, having favored Hillary Clinton as president due to their conviction that she would be the more aggressive president. They now believe that if they force Trump out they will return to power, so they continue to pile on. Trump is also being battered by pro-Israel interests on the left. Bernard-Henri Levy warns that Trump is a threat to all American Jews. Why? Because his love for the Jewish people is “insufficient.” Levy explains, “This love is precisely what is required of an American president in dealings affecting Israel.”
March 26th: National Rally to Support Palestine in DC 2017
Al-Awda, The Palestine Right To Return Coalition and our co-organizer, ANSWER COALITION will once again spearhead this National Rally to Support Palestine in DC 2017! This rally will start at The White House with thousands of people from across the nation and around the world and ending up in front of AIPAC’s annual convention.