Haniyeh lived in Qatar… Israel’s choice to specifically kill him in Iran had a number of egregious results. Iran expert Trita Parsi and US military expert Col. Macgregor shed light on Israel’s motivation and the dangerous consequences…
Search Results for: "by alison weir"
When Israel Burned Refugees Alive, Establishment Media Called It a ‘Tragic Accident’
FAIR: As the world watched on social media and responded in outrage, US corporate media, once again, provided cover for the perpetrators of Israel’s genocide…
Why the news media’s job is to groom us
Large numbers of Palestinians and Ukrainians were killed in missile strikes days apart. The media’s differing treatment of these comparable events is the clue to what the media’s really there to do
Hundreds of social media influencers attend Israel strategy summit in NYC
300 social media influencers with 260 million followers gathered to oppose the growing resistance to Israel’s war on Gaza. The mostly young influencers came to a conference billed as “Voices for Truth: Influencers United Against Antisemitism”, a 2-day extravaganza hosted by the Israeli Foreign Ministry
‘Revealer of Inconvenient Truths’ – Julian Assange’s Impact on Palestine
Articles by Palestine chronicle, Alison Weir, Jonathan Cook, and Tucker Carlson lay out the price Julian Assange has paid for his efforts to reveal truths — not the least of which had to do with Israel’s policies toward Palestinians…
Al Jazeera highlights If Americans Knew and others exposing Israeli terrorism
There is another America – one that is against Zionism, tyranny, corruption and falsehood, and is with the rights of peoples and humanity everywhere…
New! English translation of eyewitness Red Cross account of 1948 Deir Yassin massacre
Jacques de Reynier, Red Cross representative in Jerusalem in 1948, is considered the most prominent eyewitness to the Deir Yassin massacre, part of the ethnic cleansing of Palestinians to make way for Israel. Here is his account, translated from the French.
Commentary: AntiSemitism? God’s ‘Chosen’ People Have Bombed to Death 25,000 Women and Children
The world, especially the Global South, watches as U.S. continues to enable Israeli annihilation of a captive militarily occupied population of Palestinians officially referred to by Israel’s highest officials as ‘human animals.’
Will the Israel Lobby Cause America’s Downfall?
The US is facilitating some of the worst crimes of our age, an action that could ultimately cause its destruction… Why is this happening and what can be done about it?
Israeli rapes of Palestinian women and children, past & present
Israeli soldiers have raped & sexually assaulted Palestinian women & girls from Israel’s 1948 founding war through the present – see multiple reports, including video testimony by Israeli historian Ilan Pappé