Search Results for: child

Invading Israeli forces kill 4 Palestinians including young woman

A 26-year-old Palestinian woman was shot in the chest, and 3 Palestinian men were killed in a massive invasion by Israeli forces. In both cases, paramedics were blocked from assisting the injured. (Israelis have now killed 108 Palestinians in 2023, including 19 minors; in response, Palestinians have killed under 20 Israelis, including 4 minors.)

Sacred Christian site Emmaus destroyed by Israel

In 1967 Israel ordered the razing of Emmaus (the site where the Bible says the resurrected Jesus broke bread with two of his disciples). Israeli soldiers forced the inhabitants to trek for days to refuge – 22 people & an infant died. Israel then built its famous Canada Park on the location. This was part of a long pattern of Israeli attacks on Christian sites… (see video)

Labs of Oppression, Part Three: Palestinians as an “obstacle”

In Part Three of the in-depth article from the Intercept on Israel’s decades-long campaign to rid the land of Palestinians, read about the current situation under Israel’s extremist government, and Israel’s ruthless efforts to evict Palestinian Bedouin inside Israel from their historic land and lifestyle.

Labs of Oppression, Part Two: “settler violence = state violence”

In Part Two of the in-depth article from the Intercept on Israel’s decades-long campaign against Palestinians, read about how the Israeli military partners with settlers, using harassment, violence, and clandestine moves, to control Palestinian land. Palestinians are left with noncontiguous “Bantustans,” where they are still unable to live in peace.