Palestinian and Israeli prisoners released; UNRWA carries on in spite of ban; more death and destruction in West Bank; Trump efforts amount to ethnic cleansing and assault on First Amendment
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Israel lobby groups in Switzerland
In light of the recent incarceration of Ali Abunimah in Zurich, it’s useful to examine the Israel lobby in Switzerland. As former HRW official Sarah Leah Whitson noted: “Switzerland has shamelessly kowtowed to the pro-Israel lobby by deporting an American citizen because he advocates for Palestinian rights.”
2 killed in Gaza, 11 killed in West Bank – Ceasefire Day 11
In West Bank, Israeli forces kill and destroy; 12 Palestinians arrested for “expressing joy”; Trump poised to launch a war against Palestine supporters in the US
New neocon manifesto: Keep US troops in the Middle East forever
The ‘Vandenberg Coalition’ (led by Elliott Abrams, a major neoconservative for most of the last half-century) wants Trump to prioritize Israel and maintain Iran as enemy number one.
Craig Murray: Israeli Atrocities Continue in Lebanon
Rampant war crimes and ceasefire violations mark the trail of the Greater Israel project as it advances — with help from the U.S.-backed government in Beirut — in southern Lebanon.
Return to northern Gaza fraught with delay and struggle – Ceasefire Day 10
Every day reveals more devastation in northern Gaza and West Bank; US alone at UN in opposition to UNRWA; New Zealand does not welcome Israeli war criminals
300,000 Gazans make historic return to the north – Ceasefire Day 9
Great joy, great devastation, massive need in northern Gaza; West Bank resembles Gaza more every day; a conversation with Peter Beinart; Trump.
Israel delays Gazans’ return to north, then relents – Ceasefire Day 8
The humiliation of 1m people being unable to return home because of 1 Israeli soldier; 2 killed, many homes demolished in West Bank; instead of evacuating Lebanon, Israel kills 22 Lebanese trying to return home
Trump’s bellicose rhetoric to ‘clean out’ Gaza tied to deep pockets of Zionist lobby
Israel lobby groups have given Trump over $230 million, part of the lobby’s pervasive influence in shaping American policy in favor of Israel
Trump Must Act Quickly on the West Bank
A Christian American reports in American Conservative magazine that Netanyahu is testing the 47th president with a fresh round of illegal actions in the West Bank, including vicious assaults on Christians. Many Palestinian Americans voted for Trump as a hoped-for peacemaker…