American neocons and Israelophiles look to disable Iran’s economy, to weaken Iran’s potential in the region by strengthening the Kurds, and possibly even through regime change. The goal is for US policies that maintain Israeli regional dominance – even though these cause damage to the US…
Tags: Iran
Iran is not the bully – Israel is
While Iran talks tough at times, in over 200 years, it has attacked nobody; its Jewish community is secure and happy. America should ignore Netanyahu’s call to war and pay attention to history and context.
The Two Elie Wiesels
Elie Wiesel became a spokesman for the world’s voiceless oppressed. But when it came to Palestinians, he had nothing to say.
Giraldi: How Israel drives US policies exploiting a spineless Congress and White House
The Israel Lobby, especially AIPAC, is undeniably a foreign lobby, but it operates with complete impunity on Capitol Hill and also at state and local levels. Coincidentally, Congress has a peculiar pattern of brazen, bipartisan pro-Israel legislation and looking the other way on issues in which Israel may be culpable (e.g. USS Liberty). To put it succinctly, there is an Israeli hand in much of what the United States does internationally, and the involvement is not intended to do anything good for the American people.
Banning refugees from countries America destroyed
The US played both sides in Syria; completely took over Iraq, leading to the deaths of hundreds of thousands; helped stage a coup in Iran; invaded Libya and overthrew its leader; sent drones to Somalia, Sudan, and Yemen; and its buddy Saudi Arabia is currently bombing and starving the Yemeni population.