The US is quick to condemn the actions in Sudan and refer to them as genocidal. Rightly so, and justice is needed in Sudan, but where is this sentiment in Gaza?
Tags: genocide in Gaza
Blood Splattered Madness
America’s newest $8 billion contribution to an increasingly normalized genocide and its bloody, barbarous, macabre delusions will ensure more of the same.
Last Christmas in Gaza?
As Israel’s genocide in Gaza rolls on, the territory’s tiny Christian community is threatened as never before.
Biden administration is manufacturing doubt about Gaza’s famine
The Biden administration is attempting to foster a fake dispute over famine numbers in Gaza to obscure the reality of genocide. This phony dispute about the humanitarian reports in the North is designed to pave the way for Israel’s continued assault on the people of Gaza.
Israeli soldiers tell story of savage cruelty in Gaza – one given blessing by the West
Women and children in Gaza are being targeted intentionally, say Israeli whistleblowers. From ground troops to commanders, the rules of war have been shredded.
Cable News Viewers Have a Skewed Attitude Toward Gaza War, Survey Finds
Cable news viewers are more supportive of Israel’s war effort, less likely to think Israel is committing war crimes, and less interested in the war in general…