An electronic billboard truck is traveling throughout Washington, DC informing viewers about Israel’s current onslaught against Gaza, and about Israel’s past lethal assault on a US Navy ship, the USS Liberty.
The digital billboard, which features rotating images, directs viewers to the website, an American non-profit organization founded 20 years ago to give Americans the facts on Israel-Palestine omitted by US media.
The truck will be in the DC area for at least eight days and will visit numerous relevant places In the area, including:
Capitol Hill, where politicians have voted Israel billions of dollars for years, enabling Israel’s past and current massacres;
The offices of Israel lobbying organizations such as AIPAC and Jewish Federations, which promote Israeli desires over American needs, and support Israel over US military veterans who were killed and injured by Israel;
Media offices, since reporting on the issue has often been Israeli-centric, at minimum
Tourist areas such as the Mall, to inform Americans about how their tax money is being used
National memorials like the Washington Monument, to draw attention to Washington’s Farewell Address, and to damage to the US caused by Israel
Below are some low resolution photos of the truck. The poor quality of the images is a result of the phone used in taking them, and does not show the vivid images that are on the truck itself. New photos will be added to this post as soon as they are available.
Such trucks have also been running in Iowa, New Hampshire, Florida, Illinois, Texas, and California.
People interested in bringing a truck to their community should go here.
People who would like the truck to stay in Washington longer can donate here.
- Billboard trucks about Gaza & USS Liberty in Iowa & New Hampshire
- Ohio billboard tells Americans about aid to Israel
- State lawmakers object to billboards honoring Navy veterans, questioning US foreign aid
- Additional If Americans Knew billboards