Tags: Return March

Media’s Linguistic Gymnastics Mislead on Gaza Protests

Reuters, the Associated Press, the New York Times can’t seem to say “Palestinians protest nonviolently; Israeli soldiers kill them.” Headlines from the region consistently misrepresent the situation as two equal sides – or worse, as Palestinian aggressors inciting Israel to return fire. Words matter.

Five House Democrats issue statement against Israeli military shooting unarmed Gaza protesters

Statement calls on Israeli soldiers to refrain from shooting live ammunition at unarmed Palestinian protesters… calls on Palestinians to exercise their rights nonviolently, says the vast majority are doing so… By Mark Pocan (WI-02), Pramila Jayapal (WA-07), Keith Ellison (MN-05), Barbara Lee (CA-13), and Henry C. “Hank” Johnson Jr. (GA-04)

US Churches & agencies support Palestinian rights, Gaza demonstrators

A Statement of US Churches and Christian Agencies on Gaza: “As US churches and Christian agencies, we support the Palestinian people as they courageously stand up for their rights.” Statement supports refugees rights, calls for end of blockade of Gaza, calls for U.S. to censure Israeli violence…

Congress’s “Never Again Education Act” should call for ‘never again’ against anyone, including Palestinians

JTA reports that a bill about to be introduced in Congress “will fund Holocaust education in schools.” We wonder if this will fund education about all the holocausts, both past and present, that the world has seen… including the current violence against Palestinians in Gaza…. [UPDATE – bill has been introduced]

Killing Mosquitoes: The Gaza Massacres, Pro-Israel Media Bias, & the Weapon Of ‘Antisemitism’

Imagine if Russian or Syrian troops had shot dead almost 30 civilians, and injured thousands, during peaceful protests. Mainstream media headlines and airwaves would be filled with condemnations from senior UK and US politicians and prominent commentators. But not so when it is Israel doing the killing, and the BBC & Guardian provide Israel spin…