Category: Israeli governmental policies

Netanyahu’s Facebook page suspended over hate speech

Israeli PM Benjamin Netanyahu got suspended from Facebook this week after a long string of racist statements. Critics have accused the premiere of race-baiting ahead of the hotly contested elections, which are set to be held on September 17th. On Friday, Netanyahu made comments insinuating that his government could launch an offensive on the besieged Gaza Strip “at any moment.”

Another week of Israeli violence: confiscation, abduction, killing, destruction

Second week of September 2019: Israeli violence includes confiscating a piece of private Palestinian land the size of Ellis Island; killing, injuring, abducting, and bombing children and adults – all by the “most moral army in the world.”

Gideon Levy: Please, Bibi, Let the Annexation Begin

There’s no longer any real debate in Israel. The right wants to annex Palestinian land openly, and the center wants to annex, but deceive us. All that’s left now is to admit to the world that in reality Israel annexed the West Bank many years ago… it’s one country with an apartheid system.

In Israel, religious extremism is pervasive, unchecked

In Israel, religious extremism has gone unchecked in the educational establishment, in top levels of government, and among prominent religious leaders – radicalizing a growing number of Israeli youth and endangering Palestinians.

Israel Launches Unprovoked Attacks: Uses Its Firepower, Far And Wide

Former top Pentagon official Paul Pilar reports that Israel has been launching unprovoked attacks using its military might within Syria, Lebanon, Iraq, and Iran despite ceasefire agreements. This heightened military aggressiveness has multiple extremely serious consequences, including damage to the United States…