Search Results for: settlers

Israeli settlers destroy truckloads of aid, as Israeli forces watch, Gazans starve – Day 220

Humanitarian aid trucks attacked (not for the first time); US is angry but impotent (not for the first time); Israel targets aid worker’s car, has no explanation (not for the first time); 450,000 Gazans evacuated from shelters (not for the first time); incitement by Israeli settlers, ministers; US military officer resigns; DNC afraid to hold debate about Gaza; campus protest update; more

State-backed deadly rampage by Israeli settlers underscores urgent need to dismantle apartheid

Amnesty International: An alarming spike in violence by Israeli settlers against Palestinians across the West Bank highlights the urgent need to dismantle illegal settlements, end Israel’s occupation and its longstanding system of apartheid.

Israeli settlers attack a Palestinian man, breaking both his arms; Israeli army arrests him

While he was working on his land, a group of Israeli settlers armed with sticks, metal pipes, and M16s attacked Hafez Huraini and his son Muhammad. Hafez was badly injured, and both of his arms were broken. When a Palestinian ambulance arrived to evacuate him, the settlers slashed the tires, but the Israeli soldiers arrested Huraini, claiming he had hurt one of the settlers.

Shackled, Beaten, Strung Up on a Tree: Palestinian Teen Brutally Attacked by Settlers

Fifteen-year-old Tareq Zubeidi, a victim of settler violence this week. The settlers kicked him, he says, as he lay on the ground, then placed him on the hood of the car, lashing him to it with a chain. At the supposedly evacuated settlement of Homesh last week, a Palestinian teen was seized by settlers and…