Tags: Nakba

Dear Star Parker, please take this crash course on the facts about Israel

A respected journalist, apparently misinformed about history and current events in Israel, has unfortunately shared with her readers several inaccuracies about Israel and the people of Palestine. Her misunderstandings are not uncommon. If Americans Knew offers corrections.

Even Ben-Gurion Thought ‘Most Jews Are Thieves’ –Ha’aretz

The authorities turned a blind eye and thus encouraged the looting, despite all the denunciations, the pretense and a few ridiculous trials. The looting served a national purpose: to quickly complete the ethnic cleansing of most of the country of its Arabs, and to see to it that 700,000 refugees would never even imagine returning to their homes… A first-ever comprehensive study reveals the extent to which Jews looted Palestinian property during the War of Independence…

Is the United Nations anti-Israel? – a survey of UN resolutions

The United Nations has passed an inordinate number of resolutions critical of Israel (at least seven hundred), but very few critical of Palestine. Is there a good reason for this high number, or is this a case of anti-Israel bias? – or worse yet, anti-Semitism? This analysis breaks it down.

Remembering Palestine on Nakba Day: Use the Hashtag COVID1948

The hashtag #COVID1948 seeks to equate the current devastation resulting from the coronavirus with the catastrophe that occurred to the Palestinian people in 1948 at the hands of the Israelis. It is reportedly trending on social media and is in one sense an eloquent reminder of the wrongs committed against an entire people, to include a deliberate policy of ethnic cleansing that bore fruit in 1948-9.

How Israel Systematically Hides Evidence of 1948 Expulsion of Arabs

Ha’aretz reports that Israeli officials have scoured local archives and removed troves of historic documents to conceal proof of the ethnic cleansing that established Israel, including documents reporting rapes, looting, the demolition of villages, and killing of civilians…. General Peled: “My platoon blew up 20 homes with everything that was there.” Lev Tov: “While people were sleeping there?” Peled: “I suppose so….”

Media ignore, disparage, or misrepresent Palestinian Right of Return

A FAIR study finds that major US news outlets rarely mention the Right of Return, although it is a primary part of the Israel/Palestine issue. In the last ten years, only 0.01 percent of coverage of Palestinians or Palestine in the New York Times, Wall Street Journal and Washington Post informs its audience about the right of return or even mentions it at all. When they do mention it, they generally imply that it is not a legitimate, UN-conferred right; or they describe the exercise of that right as an act of aggression/national “suicide” for Israel.

Alison Weir: advocating for Palestine 18 years and counting

Eighteen years ago this month, Alison Weir returned from her eye-opening, independent trip to Palestine. Many people feel that she may be the Palestinians’ most enduring and relentless advocate.

Her tireless work includes meticulous media analysis, writing, speaking, and educating Americans (and justice-lovers around the world) about the little-known facts of the Nakba (“Catastrophe”), the oppression that Israel has been perpetrating on Palestinians for over seventy years, and how the United States, pressured by the Israel lobby, is complicit.